Why Teach Movement?
Most students at HFS will struggle to maintain their attention and concentration and will need to be explicitly taught skills and strategies to do so. This daily lesson will allow students to focus on skills that will help such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga and sensory integration building up their skills over a period of time. The impact on the brain of these therapeutic strategies is proven, and by drawing students attention to changes they feel physically and mentally they will build a toolkit of strategies they can draw on with increasing levels of independence.
Curriculum Intent
- The links between the brain and physical activity
- How mindfulness works
- How to practice meditation and learn to self sooth
- How to use yoga moves to build strength and resilience
- How to use heavy lifting to develop sensory integration strategies
- How to develop strategies to manage physical and emotional distress
Curriculum Implementation
All students will receive or find out a fact about the topic they are covering. They will be guided to explore the link between physical and emotional responses by receiving a practical demonstration and then carrying out the physical practical tasks associated. They will rehearse a strategy or skill, building on this throughout the half term.
Curriculum Impact
Younger /less able students will;
- Use a single technique at a time and learn to do this accurately using repetition, coaching and correction
- Be able to state a small change they feel
Older/more able students will;
- Link moves or techniques and carry them out in sequence
- Reflect on changes in concentration, attention and physical feelings