Why Teach Science?
Science is essential to the development of every student’s curiosity of the world around them. Grow their investigative skills and push them to ask questions that will develop their scientific understanding. Science is key to understanding how the human body works and the importance of the environment and the organisms that live in it.
Curriculum Intent
When planning our science curricula our starting point is the NC to ensure that we cover all statutory topics/aspects. For our students to begin thinking like scientists we need to plan more than just the basic topics, we need to build the students appetite for knowledge and their curiosity for the world around them. Develop their inquisitive skills so they want to know how something works rather than accepting that it does.
Therefore, our curriculum will aim to;
- Design links to prior learning to ensure all make connections and access the new learning through carefully structured tasks that develop their learning.
- Involve a range of practical investigations so that the students can gain real life experience of the topics that they are studying.
- Develop the students understanding and use of scientific vocabulary so they are able to confidently describe and explain.
Curriculum Implementation
- Students will be taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where necessary 1:1 interventions will be put in place to support the progress of all students.
- In a typical lesson, the teacher leads back and forth interaction, including questioning, short tasks, explanation, demonstration, and discussion, enabling students to think, reason and apply their knowledge to investigate.
- Practical lessons will be more student lead, with them using their inquisitive, explanation and demonstration skills that will support them in developing into young scientists.
- The use of scientific language enables all pupils to describe and explain different aspects of science
- Students will incorporate numeracy and literacy skills during their explanations and discussions.
Curriculum Impact
- Be able to link science to everyday life
- Become confident in describing and explaining scientific aspects
- Develop their inquisitive skills
- Develop their scientific vocabulary
- Students to investigate science in their local area.